
Play your content, everywhere.

HoloSuite Players deliver high-quality playback on a variety of platforms.

Compatible With

Compatible With

Unreal Engine

Sequencer-driven playback with enhanced timeline synchronization. Support for Unreal versions 4.27, 5, 5.1 and 5.2

Compatible With

Compatible With


Support for all Unity render engines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) and compatible up to Unity 2022.

Compatible With

Compatible With


Use with any Three.js project such as 8thWall or Zappar, or as a standalone web player.

Contact us to purchase.


The number of actors you can playback is dependent upon numerous variables, such as machine power, weight of environment and character size. Adding on premium feature Accelerated Volumetric Video (AVV) will help you achieve dozens more characters, but you may still face limitations given the previously described variables. 

Characters can be retargeted in game engines provided they were processed correctly in HoloEdit first. We have designated learning paths to achieve retargeting. 

Explore HoloSuite

Purchase HoloSuite and unlock access to a complete volumetric platform - all designed to help you create higher quality volumetric video faster